I embarked on this wonderful project with Karyn Salazar. It
was she who came up with the concept and together we developed it into a
mini-documentary. Shooting inside the truck was very interesting. No matter how
much pre-production we could have done I felt nothing could have prepared us
for shooting inside the truck. It was an extremely fast moving place with
barely enough time sometimes to re-focus or get a proper angle. But I think it
worked in our advantage in this production as it was a documentary and gave
that realistic and grounded look. In terms of equipment I personally found the
zoom recorders to be impractical especially for doing outdoor interviews. I
would have definitely preferred a shotgun microphone. Having a small DSLR was
actually beneficial in this particular location because of the limited space.
The most important lesson I will take away from this project is that as artists
we learn to adapt to whatever is available within certain circumstances and make
the best out of it.